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Flower Friday

How quickly this last week has gone! We have been so busy sending out beautiful bouquets to lucky recipients all over the UK.


Proud Announcement:

The Team at Clare Florist are all really proud to have been announced as the official flower supplier to the Edinburgh International Festival 2010.

Edinburgh International Festival 2010


Starting on the 13th of August and running until the 5th September, the Edinburgh International Festival showcases the best in music, theatre, dance, opera, talks and workshops.

For more information and to buy tickets go to:





Fun time flower Friday:

For a little flower fun this Friday why not have a go at growing your own virtual flower garden? Simply click this link to start your own garden growing:


Competition Winner:

Congratulations to Mrs Leeman from The Wirral who has been drawn as our July winner of our free prize draw - No photographs this time, as we have been asked to keep Mrs Leeman anonymous and we always respect our customers wishes.

For your chance to win a FREE bespoke bouquet worth £50.00 - All you have to do is is simply fill out the postage paid card that comes with your flower delivery and tell us what you think of your flowers and our service, as its already post paid, it doesn't cost you a penny to enter! We will then pick out a winner from the huge bundle of cards that have been returned to us during the last month.

Don't forget to become a Fan, or as it is now "like" Clare Florist: 

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For fantastic prize winning opportunities, fabulous flower information and magnificent offers and product news!



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